Friday, January 9, 2009

Run Over to my other blog!

Stephanie McWilliams, the cool and fun host of the tv show, FUN SHUI on HGTV, read and commented on my blog!

Come and see it!

Ok, going to sleep now, with a big grin on my face!


Little GrumpyAngel said...

I went over and read it! What a validation! I enjoyed your other blog, too!

And I love the new look here, your new header and the family crest and what you said under it. Just beautiful.

By the way, come over to my blog for some lechon :-)

Chandy said...

Ok, that was delish lookin' lechon! Your poor kids... I love your sense of humor throughout. I'm still laughing!

I actually wrote that a week after I started the blog to officially christen the blog as the family blog. Thank you, I'm having fun customizing!