Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Techno-Girl; Who? Me?

In May, Charlie will graduate from his Apprenticeship and will be traveling more for work, so the family schedule and needs that we currently enjoy is again out the window and adjustments had to be made. Couple that with an expired cell phone contract and what do you get? A third line- for me. Yup, you read right, a cell phone for me!

First of all, let me declare that I am not into cell phones, pagers or radio thingys- never been. Perfectly fine with land lines. Why? Because it's just not my thing, that's all. You don't believe me? I had a cell phone when Ian was about 6 months old. Charlie got me one as a tool since I loved to walk everywhere in and around our apartment complex. But when Charlie accidentally swam with his phone on Ian's 1st birthday party, I gladly gave up my phone and never looked back. Then on 2003, our schedule changed again and an extra phone wasn't needed. (Woohoo!)He was asleep in the morning, so sometimes I took it with me as a security to get hold of him if needed, but other reasons to keep one, I never had any.

Back to last Saturday; all of us decided on phones and I am now a somewhat miserable cell phone owner. I was at Ross the other day and this contraption rings in my purse. Thinking that it must have been one of the ladies waiting to pay in front or behind me, I just quietly listened until I recognized the ringer's tune. It was mine! Grrr... "I will never get used to having this thing!" was what came out of my mouth while reading the name of the caller. It was Charlie announcing he was done with his browsing inside Radio Shack. In the sweetest voice I could muster, I said, "Ok, I'll see you in the van soon, I'm still waiting here to be checked out." Since my phone is one of the newest ones out there, I felt all the gaze in my direction which made me more uncomfortable in holding this thing much less talk on it!

Of course no bad thought or deed of mine against cell phones go unpunished; I ended up waiting in line for another 30 minutes! Serves me right I guess...

I can kick and scream that I have a new phone to worry about, complain about the higher bill we'll get from Verizon and even forget it like today but I know that I have no choice... my family is evolving once again and a new cell phone, in my possession with my name on the voice message prompt, is now the newest member of our family along with two others...

Thanks for letting me rant... How do you feel about your own cell phone?


Mandi said...

Cell phones to me are like an electronic leash - you can't ever really get away now. We don't have a land line - cells are all we use - but sometimes I wish I could just leave it at home and not look back ... but then I think about my two kids and if something happened while we were out, how would I get a hold of Burkely, or heaven-forbid, the police if needed? I guess it's better to have it and not use it, even if I do feel like I'm on something of a leash, than to not have it and end up needing it.

Michelle said...

I love my phone I can not go anywhere with out it!! Ü

Owens Family said...

your so funny, you crack me up!!! I can't live with out my cell phone. I call it my electronic brain. It's great. i put any appointment in it and 15 minutes before I have to do something it beebs at me and tells me what I'm suppose to do. It's great. Don't think about the negative think about the posatives.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Ugh. Cell phones. They are seriously the bane of my existence. I have lost mine so many times that my husband finally bought me insurance for it.

I'd rather just leave it at home and be on my way. If it is really important, whoever it is will call back, right?


Blondie's Journal said...


Thanks for visiting me on Three or More Tuesday & leaving your kind comments! I aplogize for not making my rounds earlier!
This cell phone post is a hoot! I felt the same way you do for so long, pleeeeese~not another gadget to learn how to use, my mind does not work this way!

However, I need it to stay in touch with my two young (17 and 21) daughters, when I'm out or they are out. My father is 81 and I keep the phone nearby at night in dread of any bad news, and it has become a great way to avoid telemarketers, pranks and numerous other annoying calls.

Have I figured out how to use all the little gadgets, etc? Nope! Don't want to!

Thanks for sharing such a funny and relavent post!


Chandy said...

Mandi: I think that's what sold me on it. I so agree, thanks for the reminder...

Michelle: True that... But then again, you are young and truly need it.

Vicky: I will do that! Thanks for reminding me how useful it can be.

Chandy said...

Francesca: I see Wenda! That's how I feel...

Blondie: I know, I feel so conflicted, but I reall have no choice so I guess I now belong to the 21st century, lol.
