Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 31: Half & Half

Saturday started out with Charlie and I calling 5 different Cost Plus World Market just to buy our new dining table (yes, we caved in after watching our kids hilariously and painfully ram into this beautiful, solid oak though-too-big-for-this-apartment table). The 5th one panned out but it was all the way in West Grapevine! So, despite his desire to sleep, we drove all the way there just to be told that the manager forgot to mention to us that they have no warehouse personnel to bring down our dining set! So, we paid for it and will pick it up on Monday. I forgot to eat breakfast so we turned my hunger into a brunch date- on the nearby town of South Lake- the new hometown of the Jonas Brothers! (I looked for them, yes I did, even though I knew they were most likely would not be hanging out at Costco). Anyway, don't chicken bakes taste better when you are staring into your beloved's eyes while having a deep philosophical conversation? (Honestly, I was just having fun drowning in those vivid browns; *sigh*.)

When we got back, our children and Michelle were ready for lunch, so we brought them Sonic (apple juice slush and chicken strips if you were wondering). I guess that was the wrong lunch because they were either giggling, laughing out loud or nit-picking that lasted through our entire trip at Walmart, dinner time and a round of our newest box of Rummikub. I was too tired to appreciate their gaiety, so timeouts were issued and demands of instant good behavior were dispensed in hefty portions (no, I'm not talking spanking), in forms of begging, 123's and "Stop it and focus. Am I clear?" They just laughed some more- whatever it was, it was that funny!

Me: Ian, Jasmine, focus on the game, it's almost your turn.

Ian: Ok, I'm sorry... (covers his mouth; looks at Jasmine and laughs again)

Me: Jasmine (in exasperated tone), it's your turn, are you playing or drawing a tile?

Jasmine: (ignores me, looks at Ian with a funny face) It looks like my friend Shaun's face! (and laughs out loud herself)

So all in all, I had a half & half day; great date with hubby, somewhat frustrating shopping trip with the kiddos, plus Lisa was not home. She competed for ACDEC in Irving Friday and Saturday (granted she came back with 5 medals, but I was still worried!). Plus, I remembered that I had two essays due and a quiz!

I'll post about my adventures more with our friend Michelle this week, I'm too exhausted to write... Oh yeah, there'll be posts of more good deals I got! Pictures? That'll have to be later, too...

Ok, later!

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