Monday, August 17, 2009

FHE: Readers and Writers

So we're really doing great in having Family Home Evening every Monday night, though I noticed that I don't necessarily post about them EVERY Monday.

But before we talk about what we did for tonight's FHE, let me tell you how the rest of the day went.

I've been feeling off all day today despite all the errands
(Library returns & BN Summer Reading Program Redemption) we had to do plus my rather pointless PTA Audit Report presentation that I went to. (It's a "grrrr" story for another day) We decided to also get Coraline and 17 Again to watch while Mr. Man is home. Mr. Man and I-Dude also got their haircuts today while the girls and I hung out at Ross, gleaning ideas for Fall. (Nothing jumped out at me; I want to use what I have-buried in the storage!) L-Infinity didn't find anything special either. Just our luck...

Anyway, I wanted to eat some authentic Filipino comfort food that gets me feeling great in no time. You know, a dish that I can honestly say I don't make often. That would be "Sinigang na Baboy, Gabi at Kang-kong" (Water Spinach, Taro Root and Pork in Sour Broth- reverse order translation)
It was quite a treat to see these water spinach at our local Asian market this evening. They grow like water lilies. Often, the Filipinos grow them in the same waters that mudfish live in during the rainy season.

Even the rice is freshly bought as we ran out just two days before. We also had a great watermelon we found for only $2.99!

This authentic dish is so good as well as economical. I cooked all that I bought for it, but because we had leftovers, we only ate half of what I cooked! And including 3/4 of the watermelon we ate, each plate only cost us, $1.26! (Can't complain about that for"somethin' special from home...")

Then, J-Pony spearheaded our FHE. We were "readers and writers" like those in the time of King Benjamin and learned the simple meanings of certain scriptures in the Book of Mormon. It was fun reading, writing and guessing if we "matched" the original scroll. Between Primary and AD, she comes home full of great FHE ideas! (Oh, you see my boys, aren't they handsome in their new do's?)
Our treat, more of that mouth-watering watermelon!

Hope you all had a great Family Home Evening!

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