Monday, February 21, 2011

A Healthier Me: Day 3

Today was very exciting! The treadmill didn't work. Wait, no... That wasn't the exciting part.

I tried the Wii Fit again today and you know, it's been 569 days since I last been on it. No, that's not the exciting part either.

It said the following:

BMI= 24.04 Normal
WEIGHT= 119.3 lbs.

DID YOU READ THAT?!!! I thought I was in the 130's! Last time I had a BMI of 27.41 OVERWEIGHT

But I guess between this last move, hauling boxes from the storage, home repairs and having a staircase, working for a couple of months of graveyard shift, I must have lost weight.

Well, the exciting part continues... I was so happy to know that I lost so much weight that I only have 6 lbs. to lose, I managed to work out for 2 whole hours!!!

Wii Fit-Basic Step 3x, Hula Hoop Challenge-3x, Basic Run
Staircase-5 sets (up and down)
Netflix- Crunch Salsa Combo
Stand-up Stomach Crunches

Special K Oatmeal Crunch
Milk- 1 glass
Water- 2 glasses

Beef Barley Soup- 1 bowl
Oatmeal Wheat Rolls- 2
Water- 2 glasses

Water- 2 glasses

Rotini with Mushroom Cheese Tomato Sauce
Oatmeal Wheat Rolls- 2
Red Grapes- 1 cup
Water- 3 glasses

I wasn't hungry, I wasn't beat, I wasn't craving any sweets. I didn't get tempted looking at all the ice cream tubs we got at our Albertson's store that's closing, (if not closed already) last week.

I can't wait to workout again tomorrow! I feel great!

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