Monday, July 21, 2008

The Original to the Current

"Grandpa" and "Grandma" EFM. with "Aunt" K and "Uncle" Mr. Man. This is taken this past 4th of July weekend up in Utah.

The happy grandparents with all of their grandchildren. Notice the new addition? That's Mr. Baby. He is definitely a cutie! He's one of the reasons we came to Utah and had a mini reunion. We missed his infant years.
The blue and green outfits we had on looked great against the park setting. Thanks "Aunt" K! "Uncle" G's too busy snapping up extra shots and I was too busy trying to make sure my kids didn't get into trouble. Stomachs were growling and smiles were starting to sag into frowns.

Here's the Mr. Man brood: Lisa, Jasmine and Ian

And of course, the GKG group: T-Teen and Mr. Baby

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